The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority

The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA) is a government organization under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism given the authority to undertake conservation and sustainable utilization of wildlife in Ethiopia. Currently, they manage 13 national parks. EWCA works closely with national and international stakeholders on wildlife conservation. Their mission is to scientifically conserve and manage Ethiopian wildlife and its habitats in collaboration with communities and stakeholders for the ecological, economical and social benefits of the present generation, and pass to the next generation as a heritage. Their vision is by 2020
to be one of the top five countries in wildlife tourism in Africa.
Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS)

The Frankfurt Zoological Society is a German-based international NGO, whose mission is to conserve wildlife and Ecosystems in protected areas and outstanding wild places. FZS supports more than 70 conservation projects worldwide and has worked internationally for over 50 years. FZS works in Africa, South America, South East Asia and Europe. In Ethiopia FZS currently runs two projects: the Bale Mountains Conservation Project (FZS-BMCP) in south-eastern Ethiopia and the Afroalpine Ecosystem Conservation Project (FZS-AECP) in northern Ethiopia. Both projects work in partnership with the Ethiopian authorities and local communities to conserve these endangered Afromontane ecosystems. These projects support protected area management, develop community conservation areas, assist in sustainable livelihood and tourism development; and foster local and international research. FZS is committed to working in close cooperation with local organizations and communities, including governmental and non-governmental bodies. The European Union is currently funding the Afroalpine Ecosystem Conservation Project, of which Simien is a part. Without their commitment and ongoing support many of the Park’s recent successes would not have been possible. To find out more about these and other FZS projects, please visit
The Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC)

has been the main donor for the development of SMNP since 1998, focusing on improving park infrastructure and community tourism development. ADC also supports communities in and around the park to reduce their use of natural resources through exploring alternative livelihoods, securing land rights, watershed management and improved livestock production. A new project phase is starting in 2013 that also includes support to other woredas in North Gondar Zone and Alatish National Park.
The Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme (EWCP)

is a WildCRU (University of Oxford) endeavour, working closely with local government partners to protect the endangered Ethiopian wolves. Founded in 1995, the goal of EWCP is to conserve the wolves and their Afroalpine habitats by addressing the most serious threats to their survival. EWCP promotes the wolves as a flagship species for the protection of Ethiopia’s Afroalpine ecosystem, home to a rich endemic fauna and flora that are vital to human livelihoods. To learn more about the programme, please visit (open in a new window)
Other Partners:
JICA are currently supporting community tourism development. |
With funding from UK DFID, PHE/FZS are currently piloting the development of institutional capacity for climate change resilience, mitigation and adaptation. |
AWF are supporting the development of the new tourism development and management plan. |